Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Knitting Guild

Our Knitting Guild met last night and after a wonderful 'show and tell', our latest charitable project was announced. This one benefits knitters and children alike. As a Guild, we are going to learn a new knitting stitch/technique each month and practice the technique by making 6" blocks. Sometime next year we will pool all our blocks and sew them into blankets for children in need. Last night we learned to make "mitered squares" and I loved the technique. I can see very successful dishrags knitting using this pattern! Nice, firm, straight edges and an interesting design diagonally across the square.

In a questionnaire given to members a few months ago, many said that they wanted to learn new techniques at the meetings. Kudos to the officers for coming up with an idea that addressed that and also allows us to help others.

Also at the meeting, there are two other members knitting MS3 and they are dark green, one dark blue. Much more shawl-like in size, too. My MS3 is actually going to be a wide scarf or narrow shawl. Take your pick! For that reason, I am going to hold off on finishing it until I see just what "asymetrical" means. Mine might need to remain rectangular and it might end up as a dresser scarf on a table.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Your guild sounds so neat. I wish we had something like that around here.

Did you enjoy MS3? I've been debating joining up on MS4 but I don't know how time-consuming it would be.