The periwinkle blue half circle shawl is moving right along. This yarn is so wonderfully soft. The pattern is also very easy, but I still tend to make learning how to correct them w/o tinking!
I am also knitting a scarf for fall. This is a textured rayon yarn that I bought in a hank at Stitches Midwest. I got two 160 yard hanks for $8. Can't beat that. It feels a lot like chenille. Am knitting it on the bias, obviously. To do this, I cast on 3 stitches and increased every row until it was as wide as I wanted the scarf to be. Then I started, on every other row, increasing one at the beginning and decreasing one at the end. Be sure and mark the side that you do the inc/dec on. I think it makes an interesting stitch, not as predictably boring as the back and forth garter stitch, although it IS a back and forth garter stitch!
I love the shawl. Can't wait to see it when it's done. I like the idea for the scarf, too. And the colors are nice.
I just got back from Wisconsins Sheep & Wool and thought about you and buyer's regret and restrained myself mightily. :-)
I was under budget. Yay!
And lovely knitting you are doing! I love, love the shawl, too!
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