Fall is the time of year we spend most weekends in the car. My husband, Larry, has two main interests, golf and Auburn football. I don't have to participate in the golf, but I do have to participate in the football. We drive about 6 hours each way for pretty much all of the Auburn home games. If any of you are Auburn fans, yes, we were there at the Auburn/LSU game. Everyone was hypervenilating those last few seconds. If you are an LSU fan, sorry.
Anyway, the point of this in my blog is that I get knitting done in the car. When I am not asleep, that is. I knitted the pink/purple small washcloth on the way down and the lavendar/cream bath mitt on the way home. I actually finished the mitt at home, because I slept a good deal of the trip on Sunday.
I was knitting the lavendar/cream washcloth and had cast on a lot of stitches, so it was going to be a big cloth. I decided to make it just long enough to cover my hand and fold it in half and crochet the sides and one end together to make a mitt. The pattern I used is here.