Saturday, September 09, 2006


Baskets and knitting just seem to go hand in hand. I love to drop knitting projects into baskets and scatter them around the house.

These are baskets inherited from my mother; they date from the early 1900's.

This basket was purchased from a roadside stand outside of Budapest.

This basket was purchased at one of those Women's Shows at the local merchandise mart

Last night I went to the opening of a new exhibit at our local Craft and Design Museum; The Clark Field Collection. Clark Field was a businessman who collected basketry from the American Indians. The items date from the 1920s and 1930s and are mostly coiled, but some were woven. If you would like to take a look at some of these baskets, please click here.

I was completely enthralled with the baskets at the exhibition. My husband seemed happy enough, also. Later, over a late dinner, he told me he had really enjoyed reading the information about the photos on the walls (photos taken of the Indian artisans who made the baskets)....he said 'once you have seen one of those baskets, you have seen them all".........aaargh!!

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