About a year ago I taught my daughter-in-law to knit. She decided to knit a scarf and we bought yarn and needles and I cast on about 25 stitches for her (don't ask me why that many...I have no idea) Anyway, she knitted all the skein of yarn and when I went back for another visit, she had a square!!! So we pulled it apart and re-rolled the yarn and she cast on 10 stitches and I left.
My most recent visit saw this result! She is an amazing new knitter, her gauge is so smooth. On this visit, we bought more yarn, a size 11 bamboo needle and she started a new scarf. Three days later I got a phone call asking how to cast off! She is a whiz. I just might have another knitter in the family to share my obsession...to help keep the interest stoked, I sent her two of my circular needles with the short cable designed for scarfs so she won't have to keep fighting that standard length stiff cable that knitters despair over.
Of course am going to have to send her The Knit Stitch book to inspire her!