Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pleasant Surprise

I have been knitting away on the periwinkle blue cotton half circle shawl and assumed I had MILES to go. It gets wider and wider and one row takes quite a long time and I tend to actually fall asleep halfway through. I had worked on it off and on, mostly off, since it is approaching winter and this is a spring/summer shawl. But I want the needles that are in it for my merino wool shawl that is needed for winter! I thought about ordering another set of the Bryspun needles, but decided to be disciplined and finish the shawl instead!

I had not been counting rows on the shawl, since the pattern is extremely simple and there is no need to count rows. I thought I had to finish this set of repeats (to make the "V") and then do another set. Forever. Last night I decided to COUNT my stitches in one of the wedges and, lo and behold, I am on the LAST wedge repeat and in about 20 more rows will be able to start knitting the fishtail points.

There is a photo of the beginnings of the shawl further down in the blog.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Way to go! Can't wait to see the finished shawl.