Friday, August 17, 2007

Stitches Midwest

Stitches Midwest was a blast! Getting there was a pain, though. Delay, delay, delay....

First, our plane had to be switched out because of a biohazard on board (leaking toilet). When boarding was completed and the plane secured, the airport closed for a security breach. We were finally cleared for take-off and ended up being almost 2 hours late. So no gate at O'Hare. Forty-five minutes later we disembarked, only to discover that USAir's baggage carousel was out of order and the airline had to negotiate with Jet Blue to use theirs. Then the hotel shuttle did not come until we finally called the hotel and asked for a shuttle. Then our rooms were not ready until late afternoon. And on and on and on.

I was so stressed and worn out that initially I felt like I was moving through a dream at the yarn market. Completely overwhelmed. Plus, as a non-woolly person, everything seemed to be wool.

On Saturday, after a lovely continental breakfast in the hotel, I finally got my blood sugar leveled out and commenced to buy yarn!!! I'm going to share a purchase with you everyday for awhile.

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