Thursday, August 02, 2007

Weaving in Ends

Anybody who likes to weave in ends, raise your hand......hmmm.....don't see anybody out there! I, too, hate those ends. I despise threading my yarn needle and working the yarn in the back....I am not an orderly person and do it very randomly, unlike the nice photos in the technique sections of many books and magazines. Sometimes I hold the old yarn and the new yarn (or the tail of the cast-on row) together and knit. Of course that makes a thick part. (For socks I found a tip that recommends knitting the first round with the yarn and the cast-on tail from longtail cast-on. It is supposed to make the top of the sock stronger and stretchier. Don't know about that, but is sure beats weaving in the end later!)

Knitlist has a thread about weaving in ends and I was reading it. The two handed fair isle method was mentioned along with a link. The link was not working today, so I googled "weaving in ends" and this is what I came up with. I tried it, and it is slow but it works. Run, do not walk to this website and bookmark it!!! You will be so glad you did.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Tentatively raising my hand here.

I don't "love" weaving in, but I find it relaxing because it's the last thing I do. Then I know my project is finished.