Thursday, August 17, 2006

Honoring the Past

This is the display on the mahogany dining table I inherited from my mother. It is a drop leaf, pedestal table and is accompanied by two corner cabinets. My dining room does not display the cabinets properly and I really dislike mahogany. But all my growing years, my Mom was so proud of this dining room set, that I honor her by keeping it. (Her mahogany bedroom set went to a close friend of mine who loved antiques...I wanted it to be loved)

The candlesticks and the crystal bowl both belonged to my mom as well. According to legend, the bowl sat on her childhood dinner table holding a honeycomb to dip their bread in every night for dessert. I have potpopurri in it.

Now, the reason I have put this photo in my blog.....the doily was crocheted by my aunt for my wedding gift. There were many female cousins in the family and I was the only one who received one of these. My aunt told my mother that I was the only cousin who did handwork and therefore was the only cousin who would appreciate all the hours that went into it! And I continue to love and appreciate it. (see, ladies, crafty people have always had the issue of whether or not to give our lovingly produced items to non-appreciative recipients!)

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