Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Cast-On Methods

I learned to cast-on using the backward loop method, which is the least sturdy and smooth cast-on method, but is the quickest for me. Cable cast-on takes forever. The second quickest for me is the Long-Tail Cast-On, but of course the problem is guessing how much yarn to pull out for the long tail. I never guess right. The other evening I tried about six times and finally did the backward loop method! Then I read this tip on 1870 Pearl blog. Click on this long-tail cast-on instruction and learn how to estimate the right amount of yarn for your long tail! And while you are on her blog, enjoy everything on this blog. It is one for your bookmarks!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Thank you. You are a sweetie:D I"m blushing. Hugs