Thursday, May 10, 2007

Purse Knit-A-Long Supplies

Let's make a purse! First choose your colors and your yarn. This is designed for leftovers; those of you who knit dishcloths, I know you have lots of partial balls of cotton. Ideally, you will have five or six coordinating colors. Each side will be two squares, each end will be a rectangle, and the bottom will be a rectangle. All the pieces can be different colors or any combination. Your purse could also be all one color or shades of one color; up to you. I want contrast on mine, so my four squares will be pink, purple, turquoise, and lavendar.

You also want to chase down a stitch dictionary or go to your files and get some patterns you are saving. If you are a member of a dishcloth knit-a-long, you probably have a whole stash of cool patterns. Pick four. You want to avoid lace patterns and lots of yarn overs or any kind of holes in the pattern choice.

Use whatever needle, size 6, 7, or 8, that you like for washcloths. I'm using an 8. If you don't plan to line your purse, choose a smaller needle so the fabric will be tighter.

I'll post to the list each time I put up a step.

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