Wednesday, May 09, 2007

String Bag Maybe, Maybe Not

Just read the post from pinkerbell and since I don't know how to answer her directly, will post on the blog.

I went to a wonderful LYS on Monday to buy a book on sock knitting and of course poked about and chatted with the staff. I asked about the Louet Sales linen yarn; I have been unhappy with knitting with it for a towel, which is why I thought of the string bag. They said that was a wonderful idea. THEN they showed me a black shawl knitted with the yarn. It had been washed and dried and felt absolutely amazing to the touch. So I decided to come home and start a shawl with the Feather and Fan pattern.

But.......that string bag WOULD be so useful. And I already have a lot of shawls which I rarely I would have to buy more of the linen yarn, since I only have 2 skeins, and one of those is partial since it got VERY knotted up when I tried to wind it into a ball and I had to have a go at it with my scissors. So one of the small balls is Knot very user friendly.

So stay tuned to see what my decision will be!

1 comment:

erin said...

oh no go ahead with the shawl I have a bunch of charcoal linen, that I can;t decide what to do with, but I have plenty of merc. cotton for the bags. I'm just excited to see others liking the pattern.