Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Beginning Row

Went to the Fantasy Shawl Knitalong this morning; only one other knitter there today. This morning I had picked up the project, abandoned last week in favor of finishing the pink cotton shawl, and immediately messed it up. So I frogged it (only three rows done) and cast-on again, forgetting that the first time I cast-on with bigger needles. So it was sweat, blood, and tears to get that first row knitted off. Denise needles are not the sharpest in the world.

Question: Why don't we ALWAYS knit the first row after a cast-on and THEN start the pattern? It is absurd to try and K2tog when working off the cast-on row (which is what this pattern calls for, along with Kfb in a some of the stitches). The other knitter with me at the Knitalong said she thought that knitting the first row should be required!!! It is SO much easier and it certainly does not make a difference in a project: let's all say it, "cast-on, knit one row, begin pattern". Maybe embroider it onto a sampler and hang it on the wall!!!!!

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