Thursday, June 14, 2007

Shawl Saga Continues

OK, I finished the pink shawl. I put it into the washer on delicate handwash with fabric softner, then into the dryer on low. Nice and damp and soft, I spread it out to block it.

Ouch....a bunch of dropped stitches have appeared. This shawl is absolutely cursed. What to do?

Here is my solution. For anybody who ever has this happen and refused to unravel the project, read on.

1) with a small metal crochet hook, I picked up each dropped stitch and worked it up to try and close the hole, never mind the pattern.... Then I put one of those plastic "coiless safety pins" from the knit shop on each one (they look kind of like mini padlocks...I am indeed padlocking these stitches down).

2) I am going to thread a needle with pale pink sewing thread and fasten those loose stitches to the shawl using a sturdy square knot, then work thread ends into the surrounding stitches. I thought about going to the yarn shop and getting some pale pink mohair to use for the mending and let it "felt", but I have the pink thread on hand and it seams that it might even be better.

My advice to anybody out there who is even contemplating knitting a shawl out of crochet cotton, DON'T. The stuff is slippery and hard to manipulate. I knew I was making lots of mistakes in the pattern, but had absolutely no idea I had actually dropped stitches.

My advice to myself for future lace shawls (and I have one on the needles and have joined the Mystery Stole 3 group ..see sidebar..) is to make liberal use of stitch markers so that I can count after every row, AND not to watch tv while doing lace knitting. It just takes one glance at the screen for these pesky stitches to drop, I guess.

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