Monday, June 11, 2007


I had a nice weekend. My daughter drove down from Raleigh, which is always a treat. This weekend was our 38th wedding anniversary. She came in bearing wine and chocolates. Good daughter! The wine has a story....when she was about 7 years old, we lived in Germany. Across the street from our townhouse was a small grocery store and everybody knew us. She wanted to buy us a gift for our anniversary and I stood outside while she shopped. After awhile, one of the clerks peered out the window at me and waved...Jenni emerged a few minutes later, beaming, with a bag. That night she presented us with a bottle of pink champagne. (It was NOT drinkable!!!) We all still laugh remembering that she got to buy wine in 2nd grade....which is why she brought wine this carry on the memory and the joke!

I had previously committed to ushering for a matinee production of the Broadway show, 'Sweet Charity' at our PAC, so she had Saturday to herself to shop. She also offered to scrub out my refrigerator, which I took her up on! The last time it was this clean was when it was new. She is an energetic daughter. She and her Dad also went wine shopping, a hobby they share.

For dinner we went to a new restaurant and had a selection of tapas, then watched Food TV. We are all major fans of this channel, especially the one in HD. You can learn a lot watching those shows. My daughter likes to cook and is a good cook. She always makes us breakfast when she visits, and DH will tell you it is the ONLY time he gets a cooked breakfast!

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