Monday, July 23, 2007

Dishtowel Discussion

Any of you still have dishtowels with the crocheted towel-topper? They've been being gifted for years: buy a pretty dishtowel, cut it in half widthwise, poke holes along the top with a sharp crochet hook and crochet a top that buttons over a drawer handle.
Well, there are now patterns on the internet that lets you knit the entire towel, including the topper. Here is one.

I knitted one of these in cotton and love it. Only problem? Take a look.

Figure it out? I have KNOBS on all my drawers and cabinets. This is what I have done for the past months. THEN I had a bright idea and it resulted in this towel (knitted from Louet Sales sportweight linen, thank you very much)

Instead of making a top that would fold-over and button, I simply made a button hole large enough for the knob. And, yes, I made the buttonhole too big. But it works anyway.

I still love my cotton hand towel, so buttoned it onto the oven handle. But the oven is across the kitchen from the sink. Drip...drip....drip...

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