Monday, July 30, 2007

Socks, continued

I walked around in the sock pictured in the last post and was not so happy with it. I felt every purl bump on the sole of my foot. Decided maybe it was the yarn that needed to be softer, so got out the Tofutsie yarn I bought in Texas.

While carefully reading over all the sock patterns in Charlene Schurch's book, I spotted the one she calls her "princess foot" sole. She purls all the sole stitches instead of knitting; that way you are walking on the smooth side. Hmmmm.....I certainly have "princess feet" might take buying five pairs of shoes before finding a pair I will wear all day!

Admittedly the purl on the outside of the sock is not that pretty, but socks are to wear, after all. We'll see if it helps.

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