Monday, July 30, 2007

Top Down Raglan Formula

I am starting to think about knitting a sweater again. I have never liked any sweater I have knitted; perhaps I did not buy the proper yarn? I also have only knitted cardigans recently and they tend to droop front and hike up back. And, making it even less desirable to spend hours knitting a sweater I won't like, I love to shop our local Goodwill store and I find some amazing sweaters that I like, fit nicely, and are pleasantly 'broken in'. But I still drool over all the sweaters in the Knitting mags and books.

Today I got an email from a friend with a link that I want to share with anybody thinking about knitting a sweater but overwhelmed with pattern choices and not sure about adjusting a pattern to fit, finding the suggested yarn, etc, etc. This is a free 'pattern' and is called The Incredible, Custom-fit Raglan Sweater. I printed it off and filed it away and plan to challenge myself with it. Anybody care to join me?


Mary Kay said...

I have used the top down raglan more than twice and can't believe how fun they are. The fit as you go feature is wonderful. You will make more than two of them.

Kathy said...

It looks like fun and I will print this off but I can't fit it in right now. Dang. Thanks for the heads up on the pattern though.