Friday, July 06, 2007

MS3 Progress

I know it is not much, but it is a beginning. And I am enjoying it. The tencel yarn is nice in my hands and I can see the stitches and tink if necessary. I printed off Clue 2 and am hoping over the next week to get caught up. The beads are "pearls".

And, yes, those are lifelines. And I think I actually know how to use them, now. I always thought you were supposed to unravel the project back to the lifeline and pick up the stitches off the thread. Doesn't work very well, actually not at all. I finally figured you were supposed out to use a contrast, thicker thread and push the needle into the stitches using the thread as a guide, THEN unravel. I am not the brightest crayon in the box sometimes. I tend to read only PART of instructions and assume too much.

1 comment:

Jen D. said...

This stole is so beautiful it makes my fingers ache...I am watching the kAL for now...need to finish a gift first...time running out...but I can't WAIT to start! Thanks for the inspiration!