Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Nice to be Home

Am just enjoying the solitude of my own house. I do miss listening to the ocean, though. Not quite as eager to bounce out of bed back here in the city!

The wonderful knitters on Knitlist yahoo group helped me with my sock knitting problem. Charlene Schurch, author of Sensational Knitted Socks tried to make the heel turn instructions so easy that I could not read them. She described the short rows in two different ways and I misinterpreted the second explanation. But I got the heel turned and am on the foot part.

Finished the second motif on Fantasy Shawl and it is ready to sew and block. The first motif is blocked. I went down a size on my needle and the motif is smaller, but I am only 5' tall, so that is probably okay.

I continue to plug away on MS3. Now that I have placed markers I can control my mistakes better. I also abandoned the teeny crochet hook for beads and strung some onto the spongy part of the Super Floss and am using that to put the beads onto the stitch. Beats fiddling with the bead jar every time I need a bead.

Last night was my Loch Norman Knitting Group meeting. Midsummer so only five of us showed up, but we had a nice chat. Next month four of us are going to Stitches Midwest and we talked a lot about that. Wanda Sue is knitting one of the Flower Power Placemats in white. Pretty.

It is hot here and I did not get out for my daily walk this morning; I was lazy and made the mistake of getting onto the internet before I walked. BIG MISTAKE! So I am going to drive over to the YMCA and walk on the indoor track. Maybe with my iPod it won't be as boring as it always was before. I seem to do better when I can't jump off the track after five minutes...when you walk the neighborhood, you have to get back to your house!

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