Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Getting Organized

I am always elusively searching for a way to be organized. When I discovered "online knitting" and all the free patterns, I had piles of printouts all over the desk. Since I have a file drawer on my computer desk, I made folders for the project categories and would just shove everything in the folder. This works nicely.

Recently I wanted something a little easier to search through and dream over. So I have put the patterns (including ones torn from my magazines) into plastic sleeve protectors and put them into a big notebook. It looks neat and hopefully will help me remember those projects "I could not wait to make" at one time or another.....

Now, if I could just make one of those project notebooks, where you put the photo of the Finished Object, the ball band, a yarn sample, and the pattern into a protective sleeve, complete with notes. I'm afraid that is WAY beyond my capabilities at the moment.

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